Trigger point massage is a technique that can be used in almost any part of the body, and is a very directed and specific technique. Did you know you can use this technique to help alleviate cold and flu symptoms? In fact, this is a great way to help with symptoms such as nasal irritation and sneezing, sore throat, congestion, headaches, coughing and aches and pains.

Where Can You Perform Trigger Point Massage

Trigger point massage can be used on the face, head, neck and shoulders for alleviation of the above-mentioned symptoms. Here are a few examples of areas of the body where you can use this pressure and trigger point release.

  • The inner eyebrows and outer sides of the nose below the under-eye area.
  • The outer nose and out toward the cheeks, under the cheekbones.
  • Above the upper lip, along the jawline and out toward ears, behind the ears, down the neck on the anterior/lateral regions.
  • In the suboccipital region where the head and neck meet, across the sternum and pec/chest region or areas of the body where you feel pain or that you have existing “knots.”

Generally, this technique is applied with the fingertips. The goal is to apply pressure adequate to “meet the pressure” that you are pushing against. This means firmly but it should not elicit pain. Usually the point is held for 60-90 seconds, or until you feel results. You can perform this multiple times throughout the day for best results.

Other Helpful Massage Techniques for Cold and Flu Season

As always, other types of massage therapy techniques are also helpful during the cold and flu season as well. Regular massage therapy sessions can even help to boost the immune system in order to fight off the viruses and “bugs.” It is always good to check with your massage therapist beforehand regarding your symptoms. You should wait to get a massage if you are still contagious. The massage therapist may have recommendations on what you could do at home, in terms of self-massage as well. It’s always a good idea to call or visit your Medical Doctor for recommendations if you are not feeling well.

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