Massage therapy produces numerous benefits, but many people have never experienced a massage before. These people may have questions or concerns that they would like addressed prior to signing up for a massage. Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to those as well!

Question #1

Question: Are Massages only meant for people who are having pain?

Answer: There are so many reasons to get a massage, and to relieve pain is only one of those. Massage can prevent issues or pain in the future, as well as help with overall health and wellness.

Question #2

Question: Will I be sore After a massage? 

Answer: Many massage techniques will not cause soreness, especially if meant to be gentle and relaxing. There are times when someone may be sore after a massage, especially if deep pressure is applied – however the type of massage warranted would be discussed with the client and consent given.

Question #3

Question: What do I wear for my massage?

Answer: The client may choose the amount of clothing they feel comfortable removing, and thus can stay fully clothed for their massage as desired. Some clients decide to remove all of their clothing, and the client will always be draped under sheets, with their modesty and privacy respected.

Question #4

Question: Can Someone who is pregnant get a massage?

Answer: Massage therapy is safe to get during pregnancy, and can actually help in many ways such as decreasing stress and soreness, increasing circulation and immune boosting. The massage therapist can guide the client on possible positions of comfort that may work better as the belly (and baby!) is progressing.

Question #5

Question: Do I have to lay flat on my stomach during the massage session?

Answer: There are many options for finding the right body positions for someone during their massage. Your therapist will guide you in possibilities of being supine (on your back), sidelying, and the use of props or pillows if you can not lay flat on your stomach.