It is an exciting experience to work toward a goal and achieve it, especially when choosing a career path. A career in massage therapy is a wonderful and rewarding journey, and is definitely an achievable goal with some hard work and dedication. This article will outline the first steps to your massage career.

Step 1: Review Programs

The first step is to complete the massage therapy program at PMA. We have different tracts you can choose from, depending on how much time you would like to dedicate to the program. Even with a busy lifestyle, we can help you attain your massage therapy education.

Step 2: Get a License

Next, determine if the city you would like to work in requires a license to practice massage therapy. This is particular to each city’s regulations, as some do require a license and some do not. If there is a license required, then you will complete the steps to attain this license so you are covered. There may be a small fee to pay for this license as well.

Step 3: Apply or Create Your Business!

Lastly, you’ll need to find a space to set up your massage therapy career or find a massage company to work at. There are many options here, and different environments that you could decide to practice in. For example, you could join a corporate or well-known company that would potentially facilitate clients for you. A small private practice of your own may be your dream, and this is also possible. Whatever you decide, there are ample opportunities for success within the massage therapy career. If you enjoy helping others and would like a rewarding career, massage therapy is for you!

PMA Course CatalogTo learn more about our massage therapy program, click here!

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