There are many ways to prioritize your health and wellness this Fall. Here are some top tips to stay healthy and happy! Daily consistency is key with these tips, and starting a healthy routine now in the Fall season can also keep you going smoothly into the Winter season as well.

Drink Adequate Amounts of Water

Staying hydrated and drinking enough water each day is very important. Our bodies are made up of a good percentage of water, and we need this element in order to function adequately. The recommendation is to drink half your body weight in ounces of water each day. Many people do not get enough water, and this can lead to lack of energy, dehydration, decreased ability of the organs to function well, and headaches (just to name a few).

Wash Hands

Washing our hands frequently and with proper technique is very important for overall health and preventing illness caused by germs. It is recommended that we scrub vigorously for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. Be sure to wash in between all fingers, the thumb, and wash up the forearm as far as possible as well. Also, people tend to forget to scrub under their nails – so don’t forget this region as well. Certainly wash hands before meals, before and after touching ones’ face, and if you are in an environment where germs may be common.

Get A Massage

Massage therapy is a great healthy routine to have in your Fall schedule. Massages can help to release toxins from the body and aid our body’s natural healing process. It is also helpful in supporting our lymphatic system, which rid the body of toxins. Massages can also improve the circulatory system and immune system, which helps us fight off illness.

Eat Nutritious Foods

It is a great idea to cook and eat healthy foods at home, where you know what is going into it. Proper amounts of protein, carbohydrates and healthy fats are essential. It is also great to eat vegetables, and in particular green leafy veggies. The more nutrient dense the food you eat, the better. Stay away from added sugar and processed foods and aim for whole foods in your diet instead.

Get Enough Quality Sleep

Quality sleep is linked to a healthier lifestyle, and thus can prevent ailments and disease. We should aim to sleep for 7-9 hours each night. An important focus point is to stick to a sleep schedule and be consistent with your sleep “hygiene” (getting ready to sleep) and your sleep routine.

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